Friday, October 19, 2007

Libertarians Rising article

Nice to see others notice the aligning of individualism vs collectivism, though they use different terms. From

Libertarians and communitarians (to continue this unjustified generalizing) are different character types. Communitarians tend to be bossy, boring and self-important, if they're not being oversweetened and touchy-feely. Libertarians, by contrast, are not the selfish monsters you might expect. They are earnest and impractical--eager to corner you with their plan for using old refrigerators to reverse global warming or solving the traffic mess by privatizing stoplights. And if you disagree, they're fine with that. It's a free country.

Read Full Article

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

How Modern Liberals Thinks - video

Interesting talk from a former writer for Bill Maher. This is a long video, but worth setting aside the time to listen and digest the information. Part of the collectivists style is to rely on groupthink, rather than discerning at an individual level what is the best course of action to make life better and better. I don't buy all of his arguments, but I've had discussions with many liberals where they get to a point in the logic and mentally give up, the resort to mystical or emotional decisions such as we shouldn't have poor in our country while there are billionaires with money to spare, etc. Still trying to find the reason behind their passion for illogical stances.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Reason Magazine - Quotations From Chairman Milton

Some great comments collected from the late Milton Friedman. We lost a champion of liberty and individual freedom, but hopefully he planted seeds in thousands more. This offers a good time to refresh your friends' minds with his wisdom. Take a moment to email them a link to this article or others, or drop one of his quotes in your next communique.

Reason Magazine - Quotations From Chairman Milton: "The case for free enterprise, for competition, is that it’s the only system that will keep the capitalists from having too much power. There’s the old saying, “If you want to catch a thief, set a thief to catch him.” The virtue of free enterprise capitalism is that it sets one businessman against another and it’s a most effective device for control."