Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Fear of Individualism : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education

Good article, so true. If America doesn't stand for the individual, who will?

The Fear of Individualism : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education: One of America’s most important girls to the world was the political philosophy of individualism. The central tenet of this idea is that every human being is important, especially from the point of view of law and politics, as a sovereign individual, not living by the permission of the government or some master or lord. That is the basic idea underpinning not only the democratic process, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and the various prohibitions addressed to the government concerning how to treat the citizenry, but the free market economic system as well.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Liberals: Will you give absolute power to the next Right Wing President?

My comments relative to this story from the Atlantic
The Obama Surveillance Revelations Are Pushing Liberals Over the Edge "There have been concerns before about Obama's record on civil liberties and the security state, but people are genuinely shocked by the extent of this."
Stand for ideals, not a man. Men are fallible. Bush, Obama, etc. Hold their feet to the fire equally. I'll say one thing for a smaller-gov libertarian approach: There would just be less men/women to be corrupt, by sheer numbers. Less administrators, hopefully less corruption, and easier to see what they are doing. And I would ask every committed and passionate progressive, liberal, or democrat this: Would you really, in your heart of hearts, want Bush, Nixon, Cheney or some future right-wing president to have his hands on information that could be used to blackmail or thwart any citizen, any congressman, any judge, know every connection to liberal causes, know every donor, know exactly how fast your grassroots groups are growing, etc. It's TOO MUCH POWER, for either party, any president. George Washington had all the power to rule our country handed to him by the generals he just led, and he turned it down. He warned us against such power. Be your own Washington, and demand your liberal friends be strong as well. Recording every touch point of every American is not for our country, not for the land of the free. To accept this, would be to commit national suicide.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Proliferating scandals expose truth about Obama --

I've said versions of this line in my head for 5 years. I hope many read this article:

"Obama doesn't bother me. I disagree with his politics, but that's not what's galling. What's appalling was the pack mentality of journalists — and I don't need polls to tell me that most are liberals — who were so eager to wag their tails at his approach."

Proliferating scandals expose truth about Obama --

I understand an expect there to be bad men in politics. That will never stop. What is unforgivable and frightening, is the media abdicating it's responsibility to support a political ideology. To the extent they continue doing so, more record growth for new media voices like Beck, Breitbart, and others.