Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Religious Terrorism vs. Free Speech by Leonard Peikoff -- Capitalism Magazine

This essay was written in 1997 by Leonard Peikoff, founder of the Ayn Rand Institute --
originally published as an advertisement in the New York Times. The same essential issues underlie the Rushdie debacle and the current uproar over cartoons of Mohammad.

Religious Terrorism vs. Free Speech by Leonard Peikoff -- Capitalism Magazine: "The ultimate target of the Ayatollah, as of all mystics, is not a particular 'blasphemy,' but reason itself, along with its cultural and political expressions: science, the Industrial Revolution, the American Revolution. If the assault succeeds, the result will be an Age of Unreason -- a new Dark Ages. As Ayn Rand wrote in Philosophy: Who Needs It, in her prescient 1960 essay 'Faith and Force: The Destroyers of the Modern World':"

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