Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Dems Lied, Economy Died

Video lays out the path of the mortgage crisis...


Anonymous said...

Hey dumbbell, don't you know that Reagan and the Republicans BANNED the fairness doctrine? Maybe before you post stuff to the internet, you should research them. Sheesh.

Uly said...

Anonymous said...
"Hey dumbbell, don't you know that Reagan and the Republicans BANNED the fairness doctrine? Maybe before you post stuff to the internet, you should research them. Sheesh."

WTF? What are you talking about? That video post had nothing to do with the Fairness Doctrine, which the democrats are already talking about bringing back up in congress again. This hit the news just 5 hours ago:

Democrat senator thinks America 'well-served' by Fairness Doctrine

The video was talking about how the Chairman of the banking committee and the Chairman of the finance committee have ben A) democrat, and B) taking major donations from fanniemae, during this crisis. In fact they strongly opposed efforts to regulate FannieMae.
