Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hirsi Ali - Another individualist finds a home

If you don't know who Ayaan Hirsi Ali is, you should. Keep your eye out for her book to be published, and the dialogue sure to follow. She has a pedigree similar to Rand: bright, personal experience from a collectivist culture and oppression, and a courageous individualist.

RealClearPolitics - Articles - Speaking Back to Islamists:
"...she is a fierce partisan of individualism against collectivism."

"Slender, elegant, stylish and articulate (in English, Dutch and Swahili), she has found an intellectual home here at the American Enterprise Institute, where she is writing a book that imagines Muhammad meeting, in the New York Public Library, three thinkers -- John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Hayek and Karl Popper, each a hero of the unending struggle between (to take the title of Popper's 1945 masterpiece) 'The Open Society and Its Enemies.'' Islamic extremists -- the sort who were unhinged by some Danish cartoons -- will be enraged. She is unperturbed."

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