Monday, February 18, 2008

Collective Punishment vs Fairness

Szandor Blestman points out the 'unfairness' of collective punishment in schools. I remember those situations as happening at least weekly, sometimes daily, during elementary and middle school. Szander also talks about the misguided attempts to create fairness through the use of government force, and how individualism has time and again proven to be the system that offers the most opportunity to all participants.

American Chronicle Fairness and Life, Collectivism and Freedom: "Collective punishment is always going to be unfair to someone. If some person or group of people commit a crime, only those directly involved in the crime, those who knew what was happening and/or intended harm, should be punished. If everyone associated with them, no matter how innocuously, is punished, then innocent people end up being punished."

And here's my third installment of getting the political point across through the wonder of photoshop:

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