Sunday, February 10, 2008

Freedom: Struggle for Individualism

Below is a blurb from an article that promotes Individualism and explains why Ron Paul is their man for US President in '08. I'm not promoting Paul, but I thought the article expained some core truths well...

Freedom: Struggle for Individualism:

Voluntary altruism is moral.
The threat to individual human liberty occurs when altruism is institutionalized in the form of government. Institutionalized altruism is the tipping point when the needs or wants of the masses supersede rights of the individual. When the earned rewards of individual labors are involuntarily taken, and redistributed to those who claim to have the greatest need.

Compulsory altruism is unjust.
Compulsory altruism is called socialism, communism, or fascism. Collectivism. Every form of collectivism requires a hierarchy of leaders who determine how collective wealth is redistributed as welfare, or subsidies. Those leaders form an oligarchy — whether appointed or elected — and the circle is complete: the will of the few once again controls the behavior of the masses. This oligarchy seeks both foreign and domestic control.

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